Ordering Info.

Use the inquiry form on the Contact Me page to get started on your white paper.

The Total Package

White Papers are generally not deployed as stand-alone documents, though they are frequently ordered as such, usually to update existing white papers.

White papers are set up as part of a lead-gereration system where a site visitor entere information, usually first and last name, plus the reader’s email address abd optionally a phone number in order to download the white paper.  This information, given in exchange for the white paper, is the lead.

A reries of folow up emails are sent to the leads asking ppinion, providing useful inforation and to “soft sell” the produt or service.  Email intervals at the deiscressopm of the marketer.  Sales sycl es can be very long (months) in many cases/

A Typical White Paper Order Consists of:
    • The White Paper itself, usually as a pdf document
    • Text and Form Fields for the Landing Page
    • An introductory email message (to send to a list) with link to landing page.
    • Space Ad Text, with link to landing page, if required by campaign
    • Series of four to five follow-up emails.

Some Necessary Details

First, I’d like to know something about your company and the solutions it provides.  What customers does your company serve?

Let us then get to the heart of the matter.  Exactly what solution are you promoting and need a white paper as part of your marketing effort?  What problem does your solution address?  Why do you believe your company is the ideal provider of the particular solution?

These are the things I need to start doing some preliminary research.

Please include a link to your company’s web site in the message.

Landing Page – An order for a white paper includes copy for the landing page used to capture the name and contact information of someone requesting your white paper. This will be a word document  with the headline, an abbreviated executive summary of what the white paper is about, and the form fields (name, company, email address, phone, etc.) This will be a Word document table layout.  You are to pass this layout to your web designer to develop the landing page,  I do not do any actual web design since there are numerous web site platforms and this requires someone who designed your web site to layout the landing page.  Follow-up emails are optional but at no extra charge.

I’ll reply with a request for more details, scheduling details, estimated fees and delivery date and perhaps a discussion by telephone prior to setting up the work agreement.

Payment for services is normally by PayPal.

Fees are set on an individual basis and are determined by length of the document and amount of research needed to complete the order.

Click Here to inquire about writing your white paper.

Take a look at the popular white paper formats below.  See which is best suited for your promotion.  The two-column is more scanable, allows addition of quotes and anecdotes where they really stand out.  Great for adding photos.

Whichever format you choose is no determining factor on the fee for service.

Popular White Paper Formats

Whichever you choose is a matter of preference.  The two-column formatis useful where you would add photos, graphics and quotes from authoritative sources. 




Standard Format where all
components (main text, illustrations, tables, quotes) are located inline.
Also known as a letter format.
Two-Column Format where the main body text is in the larger right column and the narrow left column is used for items like table of contents,
pull quotes anecdotes, photos and illustrations.
Magazine Format, where
the text is split into two columns of text of equal width, as is typical in printed magazines.
Recommended only if the white paper will be printed and distributed on paper. 

Click Here to inquire about writing your white paper.